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Performance Examples

On this page, we give examples of reading large inputs with the library. We include timing code in these examples to allow for comparisons with other implementations.

Edit distance automaton for large dictionaries

This is an extended version of the edit distance example on a large input. Here, we will return all words in the given English dictionary within the specified edit distance to the target word.

# Imports from automata library
import string
import time

import pooch

from automata.fa.dfa import DFA
from automata.fa.nfa import NFA

# First, get a set of all the words we'd like to use
word_file = pooch.retrieve(

with open(word_file, "r") as wf:
    word_set = set(

print(f"Word set size: {len(word_set):,}")

# Create the DFA recognizing all the words we'd like
# NOTE this DFA is minimal by construction
start = time.perf_counter()
input_symbols = set(string.ascii_lowercase)
word_dfa = DFA.from_finite_language(input_symbols, word_set)
end = time.perf_counter()

print(f"Created recognizing DFA in {end-start:4f} seconds.")
print(f"States in DFA: {len(word_dfa.states):,}")

# Create the automaton recognizing words close to our target
# word from an NFA
target_word = "those"
edit_distance = 2

edit_distance_dfa = DFA.from_nfa(

# Finally, take intersection and print results
start = time.perf_counter()
found_words_dfa = word_dfa & edit_distance_dfa
found_words = list(found_words_dfa)
end = time.perf_counter()

print(f"DFA intersection done in {end-start:4f} seconds.")
    f"All words within edit distance {edit_distance} of "
    f'"{target_word}": {found_words}'

Note that in this example, the DFA construction is taking place over a relatively large alphabet (26) and with a large number of words (> 150,000).

Minimal DFA from large randomized regex

In this example, we minimize the DFA from a large, randomly generated regular expression.

# Do imports
import random
import time

from automata.fa.dfa import DFA
from automata.fa.nfa import NFA

# Define regex parameters
num_clauses = 1_000
clause_size = 50

# Define the input symbols and randomly
# construct the regex
input_symbols = ["0", "1"]
raw_regex = "|".join(
    "".join(random.choices(input_symbols, k=clause_size)) for _ in range(num_clauses)

# Convert the regex to NFA
start = time.perf_counter()
regex_nfa = NFA.from_regex(raw_regex)
end = time.perf_counter()
    f"Created equivalent NFA with {len(regex_nfa.states):,} states in {end-start:4f} seconds."

# Convert to (minimized) DFA
start = time.perf_counter()
regex_dfa = DFA.from_nfa(regex_nfa, minify=True)
end = time.perf_counter()

# Print timing and other information
    f"Created equivalent minimized DFA with {len(regex_dfa.states):,} states in {end-start:4f} seconds."
print(f"Number of words accepted by DFA: {len(regex_dfa):,}.")
print(f"Minimum word length accepted by DFA: {regex_dfa.minimum_word_length():,}.")
print(f"Maximum word length accepted by DFA: {regex_dfa.minimum_word_length():,}.")